How it all began

“Wowww what a hunk, lock him down.”

— Grace (sarcastic) to Roger, about Roger. Date #1


Roger Brandt met Grace Mulcahy when he obliterated his ankle playing rugby. Just straight up wrecked that thing. After months of healing, Roger began physical therapy at the clinic where Grace was being trained. Toward the end of his rehab, he became her patient and they quickly became friends, probably because they were both so hilarious and rad. Come the day of discharge, Roger asked Grace out in front of all her colleagues and she could not feel her hands for the rest of the day. Their first date was at a haunted house (because of course it was) where they danced swing at a speakeasy and Roger taught Grace how to play checkers, which she for sure doesn’t remember now. It was the beginning of what’s certain to be a lifetime of snorting laughter and cartoonish voices they shouldn’t (but do) use in public. Roger proposed to Grace at Elfreth’s Alley in Philadelphia on March 25th, 2022. And the rest is history